nms package


nms.fast module

NMS implementation based on OpenCV NMSFast

The functions in this module are not usually called directly. Instead use nms.nms.boxes(), nms.nms.rboxes(), or nms.nms.polygons() and set nms_algorithm=nms.fast

nms.fast.nms(boxes, scores, **kwargs)[source]

Do Non Maximal Suppression

As translated from the OpenCV c++ source in nms.inl.hpp which was in turn inspired by Piotr Dollar’s NMS implementation in EdgeBox.

This function is not usually called directly. Instead use nms.nms.boxes(), nms.nms.rboxes(), or nms.nms.polygons()

  • boxes (list) – the boxes to compare, the structure of the boxes must be compatible with the compare_function.
  • scores (list) – the scores associated with boxes
  • kwargs (dict (see below)) – optional keyword parameters

an list of indicies of the best boxes

Return type:


  • score_threshold (float): the minimum score necessary to be a viable solution, default 0.3
  • nms_threshold (float): the minimum nms value to be a viable solution, default: 0.4
  • compare_function (function): function that accepts two boxes and returns their overlap ratio, this function must accept two boxes and return an overlap ratio
  • eta (float): a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: nms_threshold(i+1)=eta*nms_thresholdi, default: 1.0
  • top_k (int): if >0, keep at most top_k picked indices. default:0
nms.fast.polygon_iou(poly1, poly2, useCV2=True)[source]

Computes the ratio of the intersection area of the input polygons to the (sum of polygon areas - intersection area) Used with the NMS function


The ratio of the intersection area / (sum of rectangle areas - intersection area)

Return type:


nms.fast.rectangle_iou(rectA, rectB)[source]

Computes the ratio of the intersection area of the input rectangles to the (sum of rectangle areas - intersection area). Used with the NMS function.

  • rectA (tuple) – a rectangle described by (x,y,w,h)
  • rectB (tuple) – a rectangle describe by (x,y,w,h)

The ratio of overlap between rectA and rectB (intersection area/(rectA area + rectB area - intersection area)

nms.fast.rotated_rect_iou(rectA, rectB)[source]

Computes the ratio of the intersection area of the input rectangles to the (sum of rectangle areas - intersection area) Used with the NMS function

  • rectA (list) – a polygon (rectangle) described by its verticies
  • rectB (list) – a polygon (rectangle) describe by it verticies

The ratio of the intersection area / (sum of rectangle areas - intersection area)

nms.felzenszwalb module

Felzenszwalb et al implementation of NMS

The functions in this module are not usually called directly. Instead use nms.nms.boxes(), nms.nms.rboxess(), or nms.nms.polygons()

nms.felzenszwalb.nms(boxes, scores, **kwargs)[source]

NMS using Felzenszwalb et al. method

Adapted from non_max_suppression_slow(boxes, overlapThresh) from Non-Maximum Suppression for Object Detection in Python

This function is not usually called directly. Instead use nms.nms.boxes(), nms.nms.rboxes(),
or nms.nms.polygons() and set nms_algorithm=nms.felzenszwalb
  • boxes (list) – a list of boxes to perform NMS on
  • scores (list) – a list of scores corresponding to boxes
  • kwargs (dict (see below)) – optional keyword parameters (see below)

a list of the indicies of the best boxes

Return type:


  • top_k (int): if >0, keep at most top_k picked indices. default:0, int
  • score_threshold (float): the minimum score necessary to be a viable solution, default 0.3, float
  • nms_threshold (float): the minimum nms value to be a viable solution, default: 0.4, float
  • compare_function (function): function that accepts two boxes and returns their overlap ratio, this function must accept two boxes and return an overlap ratio between 0 and 1
  • area_function (function): function used to calculate the area of an element of boxes

Calculate the area of each polygon in polys

Parameters:polys (list) – a list of polygons, each specified by its verticies
Returns:a list of areas corresponding the list of polygons
Return type:list
nms.felzenszwalb.poly_compare(poly1, poly2, area)[source]

Calculate the ratio of overlap between two polygons and the given area

  • poly1 (list) – polygon specified by its verticies
  • poly2 (list) – polygon specified by its verticies
  • area (float) – the area to compare the overlap of poly1 and poly2

the ratio of overlap of poly1 and poly2 to the area e.g. overlap(poly1, poly2)/area

Return type:



Return an np.array of the areas of the rectangles

Parameters:rects (list) – a list of rectangles, each specified as (x, y, w, h)
Returns:an numpy array of corresponding areas
Return type:numpy.ndarray
nms.felzenszwalb.rect_compare(rect1, rect2, area)[source]

Calculate the ratio of overlap between two rectangles and the given area

  • rect1 (tuple) – rectangle specified as (x, y, w, h)
  • rect2 (tuple) – rectangle specificed as (x, y, w, h)
  • area (float) – the area to compare to

the ratio of the overlap of rect1 and rect2 to the area, e.g overlap(rect1, rect2)/area

Return type:


nms.helpers module

Helper functions and probably not much use outside the scope of nms

nms.helpers.createImage(width=800, height=800, depth=3)[source]

Return a black image with an optional scale on the edge

  • width (int) – width of the returned image
  • height (int) – height of the returned image
  • depth (int) – either 3 (rgb/bgr) or 1 (mono). If 1, no scale is drawn

A zero’d out matrix/black image of size (width, height)

Return type:


nms.helpers.get_max_score_index(scores, threshold=0, top_k=0, descending=True)[source]

Get the max scores with corresponding indicies

Adapted from the OpenCV c++ source in nms.inl.hpp

  • scores (list) – a list of scores
  • threshold (float) – consider scores higher than this threshold
  • top_k (int) – return at most top_k scores; if 0, keep all
  • descending – if True, list is returened in descending order, else ascending

a sorted by score list of [score, index]


Compute the area of intersection of an array of polygons

Parameters:polygons (list) – a list of polygons
Returns:the area of intersection of the polygons
Return type:int

nms.malisiewicz module

Malisiewicz et al implementation of NMS

The functions in this module are not usually called directly. Instead use nms.nms.boxes(), nms.nms.rboxes(), or nms.nms.polygons()

nms.malisiewicz.nms(boxes, scores, **kwargs)[source]

NMS using Malisiewicz et al. method

Adapted from non_max_suppression_fast(boxes, overlapThresh) from (Faster) Non-Maximum Suppression in Python

Note that when using this on rotated rectangles or polygons (as opposed to upright rectangles), some of the vectorized performance gains are lost as comparisons between rrects and polys cannot(?) be vectorized

This function is not usually called directly. Instead use nms.nms.boxes(), nms.nms.rboxes(), or nms.nms.polygons() and set parameter nms_algorithm=nms.malisiewicz

  • boxes (list) – a list of boxes to perform NMS on
  • scores (list) – a list of scores corresponding to boxes
  • kwargs (dict) – optional keyword parameters (see below)

a list of the indicies of the best boxes

  • top_k (int): if >0, keep at most top_k picked indices. default:0
  • score_threshold (float): the minimum score necessary to be a viable solution, default 0.3
  • nms_threshold (float): the minimum nms value to be a viable solution, default: 0.4
  • compare_function (function): function that accepts two boxes and returns their overlap ratio, this function must accept two boxes and return an overlap ratio between 0 and 1
  • area_function (function): function used to calculate the area of an element of boxes

Calculate the area of the list of polygons

Parameters:polys (list) – a list of polygons, each specified by a list of its verticies
Returns:numpy array of areas of the polygons
Return type:numpy.ndarray
nms.malisiewicz.poly_compare(poly1, polygons, area)[source]

Calculate the intersection of poly1 to polygons divided by area

  • poly1 (list) – a polygon specified by a list of its verticies
  • polygons (list) – a list of polygons, each specified a list of its verticies
  • area (list) – a list of areas of the corresponding polygons

a numpy array of the ratio of overlap of poly1 to each of polygons to the corresponding area. e.g. overlap(poly1, polygons[n])/area[n]

Return type:



Return an np.array of the areas of the rectangles

Parameters:rects (list) – a list of rectangles, each specified as (x, y, w, h)
Returns:an numpy array of corresponding areas
Return type:numpy.ndarray
nms.malisiewicz.rect_compare(box, boxes, area)[source]

Calculate the intersection of box to boxes divided by area

  • box (tuple) – a rectangle specified by (x, y, w, h)
  • boxes (list) – a list of rectangles, each specified by (x, y, w, h)
  • area (list) – a list of areas of the corresponding boxes

a numpy array of the ratio of overlap of box to each of boxes to the corresponding area. e.g. overlap(box, boxes[n])/area[n]

Return type:


nms.nms module

These are the NMS functions you are looking for.

nms.nms.boxes(rects, scores, nms_algorithm=<function nms>, **kwargs)[source]

Non Maxima Suppression for rectangles.

This function is provided for completeness as it replicates the functionality of cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes. This may be slightly faster as NMSBoxes uses the FAST comparison algorithm and by default this used Malisiewicz et al.

  • rects (list) – a list of rectangles, each described by (x, y, w, h) (same as cv2.NMSBoxes)
  • scores (list) – a list of the scores associated with rects
  • nms_algorithm (function) – the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to nms.malisiewicz.nms()

a list of indicies of the best rects

nms.nms.polygons(polys, scores, nms_algorithm=<function nms>, **kwargs)[source]

Non Maxima Suppression for polygons

  • polys (list) – a list of polygons, each described by their xy verticies
  • scores (list) – a list of the scores associated with the polygons
  • nms_algorithm (function) – the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to nms.malisiewicz.nms()

an array of indicies of the best polys

nms.nms.rboxes(rrects, scores, nms_algorithm=<function nms>, **kwargs)[source]

Non Maxima Suppression for rotated rectangles

  • rrects (list) – a list of polygons, each described by ((cx, cy), (w,h), deg)
  • scores (list) – a list of the scores associated with the rects
  • nms_algorithm (function) – the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to nms.malisiewicz.NMS()

an array of indicies of the best rrects

Module contents