Source code for nms.nms

.. module:: nms
   :synopsis: NMS functions for [rects], [rotated_rects] and [polygons]

.. moduleauthor:: tom hoag <>

These are the NMS functions you are looking for.


import cv2

import as fast
import nms.felzenszwalb as felzenszwalb
import nms.malisiewicz as malisiewicz

nms_algorithms = [felzenszwalb.nms, malisiewicz.nms, fast.nms]

default_algorithm = malisiewicz.nms

[docs]def rboxes(rrects, scores, nms_algorithm=default_algorithm, **kwargs): """ Non Maxima Suppression for rotated rectangles :param rrects: a list of polygons, each described by ((cx, cy), (w,h), deg) :type rrects: list :param scores: a list of the scores associated with the rects :type scores: list :param nms_algorithm: the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to :func:`nms.malisiewicz.NMS` :type nms_algorithm: function :returns: an array of indicies of the best rrects """ # convert the rrects to polys polys = [] for rrect in rrects: r = cv2.boxPoints(rrect) print(r) polys.append(r) return polygons(polys, scores, nms_algorithm, **kwargs)
[docs]def polygons(polys, scores, nms_algorithm=default_algorithm, **kwargs): """ Non Maxima Suppression for polygons :param polys: a list of polygons, each described by their xy verticies :type polys: list :param scores: a list of the scores associated with the polygons :type scores: list :param nms_algorithm: the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to :func:`nms.malisiewicz.nms` :type nms_algorithm: function :returns: an array of indicies of the best polys """ assert nms_algorithm in nms_algorithms if nms_algorithm == fast.nms: kwargs['compare_function'] = fast.polygon_iou if nms_algorithm == felzenszwalb.nms: kwargs['area_function'] = felzenszwalb.poly_areas kwargs['compare_function'] = felzenszwalb.poly_compare if nms_algorithm == malisiewicz.nms: kwargs['area_function'] = malisiewicz.poly_areas kwargs['compare_function'] = malisiewicz.poly_compare return nms_algorithm(polys, scores, **kwargs)
[docs]def boxes(rects, scores, nms_algorithm=default_algorithm, **kwargs): """ Non Maxima Suppression for rectangles. This function is provided for completeness as it replicates the functionality of cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes. This *may* be slightly faster as NMSBoxes uses the FAST comparison algorithm and by default this used Malisiewicz et al. :param rects: a list of rectangles, each described by (x, y, w, h) (same as cv2.NMSBoxes) :type rects: list :param scores: a list of the scores associated with rects :type scores: list :param nms_algorithm: the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to :func:`nms.malisiewicz.nms` :type nms_algorithm: function :returns: a list of indicies of the best rects """ assert nms_algorithm in nms_algorithms if nms_algorithm == fast.nms: kwargs['compare_function'] = fast.rectangle_iou if nms_algorithm == felzenszwalb.nms: kwargs['area_function'] = felzenszwalb.rect_areas kwargs['compare_function'] = felzenszwalb.rect_compare if nms_algorithm == malisiewicz.nms: kwargs['area_function'] = malisiewicz.rect_areas kwargs['compare_function'] = malisiewicz.rect_compare return nms_algorithm(rects, scores, **kwargs)