Summary & Notes

Given a list of rectangles (or rotated rectangles or polygons) and a corresponding list of scores (confidences), the Non Maximal Suppression functions below will return a list of indicies. These indicies correspond to the rectangles (or rotated rectangles or polygons) that have the highest scores and the minimum overlap with other elements in the list.

Rectangles (sometimes referred to as rects and boxes) are expressed as a 4-tuple: (x, y, w, h). Where x, y is the coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the rectangle. w and h are the width and height of the rectangle.

Rotated rectangles (sometimes referred to rrects or rboxes) are expressed as a 5-tuple: (x, y, w, h, r). Where the first four members are as described for rectangles and r is the angle, in radians, of rotation around the center of the rectangle.

Polygons are expressed as a list of 2-tuples of (x, y). Each x, y describes a verticie of the polygon. The edges of the polygon are described by each pair of consecutive vertices. That is (x0, y0), (x1, y1) describe and edge of the polygon. The polygons are closed by the edge (xn, yn), (x0, y0).

If you only have a need for NMS on rectangles and are already using OpenCV, you may want to consider using cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes. However, you might see a small performance gain using nms over NMSBoxes – nms defaults to using the Malisiiewicz et. al. algorithm vs. the Fast algorithm in NMSBoxes.

PSA: It’s not well documented that the bboxes parameter for NMSBoxes is a numpy array of ((x, y), (w, h)).

nms was developed with Python 3.7 and OpenCV 4.0.0-pre. It’s very likely that nms will work just fine with early versions of OpenCV.

This code is beta and lacking in test coverage (read: no coverage)


nms has dependencies on cv2 (OpenCV 4.0.0-pre), numpy and math. Adrian Rosenbrock has excellent instructions for installing OpenCV 4.0 on MacOS and Ubuntu

Include nms in your requirements.txt or install into your environment:

pip install nms

Basic Usage

Given a list of rotated rectangles rrects and confidences scores:

indicies = nms.nms.nms_rboxes(rrects, scores)

By default, nms.nms.nms_boxes(), nms.nms.nms_polygons() and nms.nms.nms_rboxes() use the Malisiiewicz et. al. NMS Algorithm. If you would prefer to use the OpenCV2 Fast algorithm or Felzenszwalb et. al. algorithm you can do so with the optional parameter nms_algorithm. For example:

indicies = nms.nms.nms_rboxes(rrects, scores, nms_algorithm=malisiewicz.nms)

nms.nms.nms_boxes(), nms.nms.nms_polygons() and nms.nms.nms_rboxes() will also accept a list of key word arguments (**kwargs). The kwargs are passed to the NMS function to set values for the NMS threshold, confidence threshold, top_k and eta (eta is only applicable when using Fast).

For example, to set the NMS threshold to 0.5 (note that use of kwargs requires that nms_algorithm parameter be present):

indicies = nms.nms.nms_rboxes(rrects, scores, nms_algorithm=malisiewicz.nms, nms_threshold=0.5)

Please see the docs for, nms.malisiewicz.nms() and nms.felzenszwalb.nms() for additional information on kwargs


For a simple example of using nms with geometry returned from EAST, take a look at opencv-text-detection.

Most Useful Functions

These are the NMS functions you are looking for.

nms.nms.boxes(rects, scores, nms_algorithm=<function nms>, **kwargs)[source]

Non Maxima Suppression for rectangles.

This function is provided for completeness as it replicates the functionality of cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes. This may be slightly faster as NMSBoxes uses the FAST comparison algorithm and by default this used Malisiewicz et al.

  • rects (list) – a list of rectangles, each described by (x, y, w, h) (same as cv2.NMSBoxes)
  • scores (list) – a list of the scores associated with rects
  • nms_algorithm (function) – the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to nms.malisiewicz.nms()

a list of indicies of the best rects

nms.nms.polygons(polys, scores, nms_algorithm=<function nms>, **kwargs)[source]

Non Maxima Suppression for polygons

  • polys (list) – a list of polygons, each described by their xy verticies
  • scores (list) – a list of the scores associated with the polygons
  • nms_algorithm (function) – the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to nms.malisiewicz.nms()

an array of indicies of the best polys

nms.nms.rboxes(rrects, scores, nms_algorithm=<function nms>, **kwargs)[source]

Non Maxima Suppression for rotated rectangles

  • rrects (list) – a list of polygons, each described by ((cx, cy), (w,h), deg)
  • scores (list) – a list of the scores associated with the rects
  • nms_algorithm (function) – the NMS comparison function to use, kwargs will be passed to this function. Defaults to nms.malisiewicz.NMS()

an array of indicies of the best rrects