Source code for nms.helpers

.. module:: helpers
   :synopsis: Helper functions

.. moduleauthor:: tom hoag <>

Helper functions and probably not much use outside the scope of nms

import cv2
import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def createImage(width=800, height=800, depth=3): """ Return a black image with an optional scale on the edge :param width: width of the returned image :type width: int :param height: height of the returned image :type height: int :param depth: either 3 (rgb/bgr) or 1 (mono). If 1, no scale is drawn :type depth: int :return: A zero'd out matrix/black image of size (width, height) :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # create a black image and put a scale on the edge assert depth == 3 or depth == 1 assert width > 0 assert height > 0 hashDistance = 50 hashLength = 20 img = np.zeros((int(height), int(width), depth), np.uint8) if(depth == 3): for x in range(0, int(width / hashDistance)): cv2.line(img, (x * hashDistance, 0), (x * hashDistance, hashLength), (0,0,255), 1) for y in range(0, int(width / hashDistance)): cv2.line(img, (0, y * hashDistance), (hashLength, y * hashDistance), (0,0,255), 1) return img
[docs]def polygon_intersection_area(polygons): """ Compute the area of intersection of an array of polygons :param polygons: a list of polygons :type polygons: list :return: the area of intersection of the polygons :rtype: int """ if len(polygons) == 0: return 0 dx = 0 dy = 0 maxx = np.amax(np.array(polygons)[...,0]) minx = np.amin(np.array(polygons)[...,0]) maxy = np.amax(np.array(polygons)[...,1]) miny = np.amin(np.array(polygons)[...,1]) if minx < 0: dx = -int(minx) maxx = maxx + dx if miny < 0: dy = -int(miny) maxy = maxy + dy # (dx, dy) is used as an offset in fillPoly for i, polypoints in enumerate(polygons): newImage = createImage(maxx, maxy, 1) polypoints = np.array(polypoints, np.int32) polypoints = polypoints.reshape(-1, 1, 2) cv2.fillPoly(newImage, [polypoints], (255, 255, 255), cv2.LINE_8, 0, (dx, dy)) if(i == 0): compositeImage = newImage else: compositeImage = cv2.bitwise_and(compositeImage, newImage) area = cv2.countNonZero(compositeImage) return area
[docs]def get_max_score_index(scores, threshold=0, top_k=0, descending=True): """ Get the max scores with corresponding indicies Adapted from the OpenCV c++ source in `nms.inl.hpp <>`__ :param scores: a list of scores :type scores: list :param threshold: consider scores higher than this threshold :type threshold: float :param top_k: return at most top_k scores; if 0, keep all :type top_k: int :param descending: if True, list is returened in descending order, else ascending :returns: a sorted by score list of [score, index] """ score_index = [] # Generate index score pairs for i, score in enumerate(scores): if (threshold > 0) and (score > threshold): score_index.append([score, i]) else: score_index.append([score, i]) # Sort the score pair according to the scores in descending order npscores = np.array(score_index) if descending: npscores = npscores[npscores[:,0].argsort()[::-1]] #descending order else: npscores = npscores[npscores[:,0].argsort()] # ascending order if top_k > 0: npscores = npscores[0:top_k] return npscores.tolist()